Monday, January 31, 2011


Marvel Definition: The Scarlet Witch is an omega level mutant who has the ability to manipulate probability via her "hexes" (often manifesting physically as "hex spheres" or "hex bolts"). These hexes are relatively short range, and are limited to her line of sight, requiring her presence or knowledge of her subjects.

The Scarlet Witch's power to alter reality was spawned from the combination of her natural mutant abilities to affect probability and Chaos Magic. Because of the nature of her powers, she does not possess limitations such as other reality warpers.  Her powers which stemmed out from the ability to manipulate probabilities suggest that she does not need existing matter to warp reality, only possibilities... which are endless.

After years of serving as a Hero, the chaotic and limitless nature of her powers took a terrible toll on her psyche. No longer able to distinguish between reality and her own adverse manipulation, she suffered a mental breakdown that tore the fabric of time and space resulting in an alternate universe of her own design.

ONIX- Personal Definition: Internet author of Homosexual Erotica since 1999. Professional Writer and Concept Consultant. General Laborer. Reluctant Philosopher. Occasional Stripper. Amateur Bodybuilder. Personal Trainer. Hopeless Romantic.  Social Butterfly. Brooding Loner. Armchair Intellectual. Repentant Sinner. Knight in Shinning Armor. Incredible Hulk. Dark Phoenix. Student of Metaphysics. World Traveler. Habitual Narcissist
           The Author would never call himself a Witch.... However, he would never disagree with someone who accused him of being one.


  1. Awesome!! One place for all your stories!! Thanks for starting the blog and of course for all your fantastic tales. You're still the best out there - Texzilla

  2. Welcome back...nice to see you again....Blufur

  3. WOW! In awe and devout reverence of your deliciousness.I have followed your dark delirium since the inception and must admit, am addicted to you like officer good cock's tina pipe. You twist my own reality and fill my dreams with twisted, perverted, silky alternate reality. But I think that's your intent, no? All I can say is that your recent installment has jerked me off with your usual glitter and tightened the noose on my libido, and leaving me gasping for the next installment. The praise from the other prolific authors, texzilla and blufur, should hint at your profound splellcasting on us all.

  4. Just an observation; all your characters are always themselves, with self inflicted improvments. Peter, is unique in that...I think he was essentially killed? He was so subsumed into "Pete," he disappeard? In my opinion, that's what happens when you hang with demons.
    Your work is of such high quality that I am made to think of philosophy, character development, and what it means to be "there.

    "Sorry, I sound very suck-ass.
    I love your work!

  5. P.S. You look very much how my imagination pictured Damien!


  6. Is that you in the pics? If so, the look combined with the imagination is a package. Loved finally seeing your very own space on the web. Loved waiting a few years for the latest as it was well worth seeing all the brewing ideas burst forth.
    A big hug, and a bigger thanks Oynx. x

  7. THANKS EVERYBODY! It's good to be back and writing again.

    @TEX- Thank you kindly sir, glad to see your post, as i am ahuge fan of you as well. Hopefully you'll feel inspired to go back ta the keyboard as well... hint-a-hint

    @ Blufur, thanks old friend, good to hear from you.

    @Phalarian - Wow high praise and quite the vocabulary, thanks ;)

    @ Jeff- No such thing as suck ass, its nice to know that somebody likes to visit my "other world" too...
    ... and yes that is me in the pictures, dressed for a very specific party. I just thoughrt they were quite relevant to the page theme. Any resambalance between myself and the charater "Damien" is strictly intentional... magic has a way of making life imitate art...

    If any readers or passersby have comments or story ideas please share, im writing the next xhapter and am trying to work outside my own erogneous zone and not just cater to my own fantasies, but to broaden the scope as well as push through this story...


  8. Onix,

    I'm such a huge fan of your stories, I can't even tell you. I can't express to you how GREAT a feeling it was to see your name in the byline again!! Please don't go away for such a long time again...I missed the stories SO much!

    As to your request for ideas, here's my suggestions/thoughts. My favorite, FAVORITE scene in your writing is from "Ripped Lee", when Alex learns of the fate of Lee. The changes that were made to Lee are some of the most erotic and sexy that I've ever read about. Imagining that transformation process has been a fantasy of mine since I read about it. So, for me, my suggestion would be two-fold. I'd like to have a story that actually gave the details of what happened after the doctor got hold of Lee, through the transformation process, and then beyond, hearing about some of the ongoing maintenance and additions made to Lee. Secondly, if that doesn't seem do-able, I'd love to see a story similar to it, that spends time focusing on someone else going through that change process...more from the physical/surgical type transformations, rather than the magical/instant transformations. It wouldn't have to be the same, specific alterations being made; I can say that for myself, its not as much about the specific changes that are being made, but more about the process of the change itself. The thought of using plastic surgery to "create" a muscle/sex toy is EXTREMELY erotic!!

    Anyways, that's my thoughts. Whatever you write, it will be like a dream to read it! Thanks for offering so many hours of reading fun (and pleasure!) over the years!!

  9. Onix,
    thank you for being my inspiration, my evil muse and for bringing Damian, the secret creation we sometimes all want to be.Some of us lonely boys like to think that there is sometimes a angel, dark or otherwise watching over us. Thanks so much for your creativity.

  10. @ Jason - Well you'll be pretty happy with the next chapter, it's designed to be basically the same tone and more "behind" the scenes of Dr Heart in the "ripped Lee" meets "lets get physical" style. If you have any specific "practical / medical transformations" please expound -

    @ TattCub - once upon a time i was a lonely boy myself, so i statred to write my stories. I created the Damien Character as my won little avatar . . . flash forward ten years later... well I'm the guy in the pictures. I guess my point is... if you have a goal, or a wish its up to you to make it happen one step at a time... be your own angel everybody has the potential in them.... except conservative republicans, they have no souls which leaves them at a loss ofr construction material :) Best wishes and thanx


  11. Well, i'm sure it will sound odd, but my personal favorite of what was done to Lee were two things....the Doctor making his lips HUGE, and then giving him massive butt implants. I can't tell you how many times I've fantasized about that. For some reason, the over-exaggerated physical characteristics are incredibly hot! Taking it to the extreme, the thought of using surgical means to basically turn someone into a super-sexual, silicon-filled, living sex toy...hyper-exaggerated in all physical THAT is the kind of fun I'm thinking of. But also, I want to know how the "victim" is feeling about it all as its happening. I'd like the slow burn of watching him realize what's happening, over time, but not being able to do anything to stop it.

    And now I've probably officially labelled myself as "crazy"! But, you asked! ;)

  12. cute as well ooh la la

  13. I agree! How about a picture page here too, with some of your sexiest?? Something else to fuel the fantasies! :)

  14. Hi Onix...

    I really enjoy your stories, it's good to see that you're writing again. The idea being transformed into a totally differ person is something I can really get into. Being a chubby, repressed, aging, sexually confused, nerd-ling, virgin, with zero confidence and self-esteem, makes one think nearly any life would be better than the one I have. The one transformation that Damien brings about that I would choose for myself would be Peter to Pete, permently. The first half of Marks transformation to a computer geek in the body of a Greek god would be cool too. If you want to give the voodoo a try I would be willing, :D

  15. Although it's none of my business...I was wondering if you had particular people in mind when you came up with the "three little pigs" in your last chapter?

    Just curious..

  16. @ Jeff, why the curiosity about those three? ... and a writer shouldn't really discuss his process.... breaks the er... spell ... if you will ? ;)

  17. Hey Onix,

    Thanks for the comment on my NCMC story. As you can see I've started writing for myself and anyone who will read them. It's my way of taking control over my own fantasies and ideas.I have a few demons and angels inside me some of them are too hot not to share and I'm gonna share them with all of you. Enjoy. TC

  18. @tattcub - Taking control is the first step in anything, glad your inspired !

  19. Onix - I can't wait for your next installment of BMOC!! Any idea when you'll be posting it??

  20. Your next chapters of BMOC are: of course, awesome!

    Now I understand why you were asking for story suggestions. If in the future, if you ask again, I'll certainly contribute!

  21. I just found this collection while on vacation in the Adironacks and couldn't stop till I read the whole series. I agree with the consensus here that you've got a special imagination that is responsible for many erotic nights while at Lake Saranac; thanks you SO much. I too look forward to any and all further work. Bravo! ed.

  22. I know you have an image to protect; but, when I imagine you writing I see you wearing a Cardigan, or perhaps a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows. Also, you're smoking a pipe.

    No typewriter, but perhaps a very old tabletop computer, with a clunky '80s style keyboard.

  23. Dude! There's a YouTube video of a tattoo'ed hispanic guy who's way built.

    Apparently his "biz" goes down to his knees. I'm in a mind to consider him "Xavier's" doppelganger from; BMOC, Envy and Gluttony!

  24. I really have to thank you for making the series, they've kept me up till 2 in the morning on some days. You're one of the authors I hate to love because of the wonderful drama. I really relate to Damien and find some similarities that are surprising but fun. The scene where he cast the mirror spell had me screaming in sadness because my favorite character was changing into something completely different. I was also in a rage when I read about Gino in the doctor's hands.The one thing I really don't like about "practical magic" is the lack of a silver lining and the fact their true selves remain trapped. My evil side still has some compassion. Anyways, the practical stuff might not be my thing but it makes love Damien more when he comes in and undoes the damage. Love the stories and i can't wait to read your upcoming chapter of BMOC

  25. I doubt you will get this, but it's the only way of contacting you. *shrug* Anyway, a question: Is there any OTHER way to get in touch with you? Gods above, a Tumblr at least! Also, an updated story pile please? Thankye kindly.

  26. I LOVE your stories! The combination of magic, mind control and muscle transformations is well detailed and well written! Thank you!


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